Industrial buildings
The main technique used for industrial buildings cleaning is floor deep cleaning with cleaning machines with suction.
We use cleaning machines Hako, Advance, Taski, Tennant 5700, 5300, 5400, 2001, 2061, Tennant 7200 and Nilfisk CR 1700 with sitting service In CLEAN International, spol. s r.o. This type of cleaning thoroughly and effectively removes deep stains and moulds that are dangerous to your health.
A recurring problem for industrial halls is graffiti. Graffiti removal is one of our specializations. Furthermore, we do a subsequent surface treatment that helps prevent another graffiti to be drawn.
mechanical surface cleaning including subsequent handmade finishing cleaning
trash containers emptying
tables dusting
windowsills dusting
door handles polishing
spider webs removal
construction shelves dusting
production facilities dusting
washing zones cleaning